Colin Tilney

Colin Tilney

High And Low / Domenico Scarlatti: 16 Late Harpsichord Sonatas

Serge Koussevitzky

Serge Koussevitzky

Conducts Music From Russia: Rimsky-Korsakov, Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky

Joseph Bacon

Joseph Bacon

Guitar Music Of Villa-Lobos

Arthur Berger / Harold Shapero / Virgil Thomson

Arthur Berger / Harold Shapero / Virgil Thomson

Works For Piano Four-Hands, D. Kopp - Primo, R. Lister - Secondo

Josef Redinger

Josef Redinger

Das Ende Der Ewigkeit

Giora Feidman And The Georgian String Quartet

Giora Feidman And The Georgian String Quartet

Crossing Borders (Mozart, Bat Chaim, Piazzolla)

Schönberg Ensemble, Reinbert De Leeuw - Conductor

Schönberg Ensemble, Reinbert De Leeuw - Conductor

Kagel - Die Stücke Der Windrose Für Salonorchester

La Gaia Scienza & Lorenzo Ghielmi

La Gaia Scienza & Lorenzo Ghielmi

Robert Schumann - Für Meine Clara

Lorenzo Ghielmi

Lorenzo Ghielmi

Bach And The Romanticist

Vittorio & Lorenzo Ghielmi, Il Suonar Parlante

Vittorio & Lorenzo Ghielmi, Il Suonar Parlante

Jan Sebastian Bach - Die Kunst Der Fuge

La Gaia Scienza
Susanne Ryden / Die Freitagsakademie

Susanne Ryden / Die Freitagsakademie

Travelogues Of Italy / Händel, Scarlatti, Corelli

Teodoro Anzellotti (Accordion)

Teodoro Anzellotti (Accordion)

Johann Sebastian Bach - The Goldberg Variations

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