Mahmoud Turkmani
Maria Tanase
Malediction D'Amour
Magic Bird - The Early Years
Martin Bies & Flamenco Clan
Flamenco: Reina De Saba
Masoud Shaari & Christophe Rezai
Michael Vetter
Zen - Gong
Michel Macias
Danse T'Es Vivant
Mikidache / Comoros Islands
Misha Alexandrovich
The Wunderkind
Mostar Sevdah Reunion
Mostar Sevdah Reunion / Bosnia & Herzegovina
Nebeska Muzika / String World Music Band
Zbojstory / Tales Fromterchova, Birthplace Of Slovak Folk Hero Janosik
Neco Novellas
New Dawn Ku Khata / Mozambique
Chimurenga Soul / Zimbabwe
Nour Ensemble
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Magic Touch
Okuta Percussion / Africa
Pe De Serra Forro Band, Brazil
Dance Music From The Countryside
Peter Pannke
Morungen / Songs From A Visionary Musical
Pjotr Leschenko
1931 - Gipsy Songs And Other Passions
Plena Libre
!estamos Gozando! / Puerto Rico
Preßburger Klezmer Band
Mit Libe
Ricky & Mbasalala
Vocal Music From Madagascar
Ruth Yaakov Ensemble
Ziara (Sephardic Women'S Songs Of The Balkans)