Ramon Valle (P. Sambeat, C. Puig, O. Rodriguez, H. El Negro Hernandez)
Danza Negra (Music Of Ernesto Lecuona)
Rabih Abou-Khalil (M. Godard, J. Cagwin, Bjo Symphony Orchestra, F. Strobel - Cond)
Trouble In Jerusalem
Quadro Nuevo (R. Wolf, M. Francel, H.-L. Jeromin, D.D. Lowka)
Cinepassion (Artist Remastered Version)
Quadro Nuevo (R. Wolf, M. Francel, A. Hinterseher, D.D. Lowka) & Guests: M. Yüksek, S. Aslanyürek
Antakya - Music From The Documentary Two Half Lives
The 23 Constellation Of Joan Miro